Information Required for Death Certificates

This is the information required for a death certificate. Feel free to print off this form and keep the completed version with your records.

    Personal Details

    First Names

    Last Name

    Name at birth (if different)

    Date of Birth

    Place of Birth (Town or City and Country)

    If born overseas how long lived in NZ

    Usual residence


    Usual occupation (during working life)

    Family Details

    Age and gender of each child

    Full name and birth name of mother

    Occupation of mother

    Full name and birth name of father

    Occupation of father

    Relationship Details

    Marriage or relationship details at time of death. Most recent and any previous.

    If married town or city and country of marriage

    Age of deceased at time of marriage

    Full name and current age of spouse/partner

    The deceased was a Marriage/Civil Union Celebrant or Justice of The Peace

    Did the deceased hold any honour or award