
Check list for the funeral – a handy reference for planning a funeral or for discussion with your local funeral director.

Care of your loved one’s body

The three main choices are:

  1. To keep your loved one’s body at home using ice packs and natural methods
  2. To use a cool room at the funeral director’s premises
  3. To request a temporary embalm (reduced use of chemicals)


We have a wide range of casket options. Please click here for our casket gallery.

If you wish to make your own casket, please ask us or any funeral director before you do this to check on dimensions and suitable materials as some crematoriums are now refusing to accept home-made caskets.


Most cemeteries have a Chapel available for a funeral. If the funeral is small, family may consider having the service at a family home. Community facilities such as boat clubs or the local hall can be ideal venues for a funeral. Consider finding a venue that is meaningful for the person who has died, and remember to take practical issues into account such as parking, ease of access and whether a venue is appropriate for having a cup of tea afterwards.


We recommend that you use a professionally trained celebrant. Ask us for a recommendation.

Cremation or burial

The choice is yours. Cremation is cheaper and the ashes can be scattered or interred at a place of choice. Burial is more expensive and the plot must be purchased by you prior to the burial taking place. State of Grace do not purchase plots. You may have a family plot which has room for one more. Check to see who the lawful owner is to ensure they are happy about you using it.


You could consider asking friends to bring a plate of special food to share after the service – not only does this cut down on costs, but also gives people a chance to be involved and helpful. Please note that many venues will only allow professional caterers to use their facilities. We have trusted caterers who we are happy to recommend.


Flowers on the casket can be a lie flat bouquet (great to keep and put in a vase later) or a casket bar (which is longer and arranged in oasis with short stems). Think about preferred colours, types of flowers etc. Alternatively you could ask friends and family to bring something from their own garden.  If you are having flowers or petals for people to place on the casket, consider using home-grown flowers, less expense and more personal.  Also, a basket of lavender or rosemary can be brought from your own garden.

We recommend Titirangi Fairy Flowers, phone 09 817 3780 – they are our preferred florist.  

Newspaper Notices

Although not necessary, a notice is to inform people that someone has died and if or when the service will be. Keep the notice brief and to the point as they can be very costly.


Our hearses are white. You can consider using your own private vehicle if you wish.

Memorial Book

We have books available.  However, you can visit your local bookstore and purchase a blank paper album or book then add some photos to personalise it.  There are some gorgeous books available.

Service Sheets

Your Funeral Director has examples of service sheets that we can have compiled and printed for you.  They could be a booklet or a beautiful bookmark with photos or a verse, and often including a photocopy of a favourite family recipe in the person’s own handwriting.  Some of our families choose to create their own.


Think about some music to play for 20 minutes or so while people are arriving, a track to play during the reflection time in the ceremony, and something to play at the end of the service. You could also think about asking a musician to play.


A photo tribute is a lovely way to showcase your loved one’s life. Many people attending the service may only know them from certain parts of their life journey and can find this tribute enlightening.

A photo board or a single photo is also nice to have near the memorial book or in the reception area if the photo tribute does not play there.


Ashes are returned in a basic urn from the crematorium. There is a range of upgraded options on our website.

Ashes can be either kept, buried in a purchased plot at a cemetery, or scattered in a place significant to family. Any ashes being taken overseas require a cremation export certificate, so do ask your funeral director to ensure you get one with the ashes.